Football, also known as soccer, is a sport in which teams of eleven players (footballers) compete against each other, with a referee ensuring that the rules are followed.

It is a sport in which a round ball is used to play on a rectangular court with two goals. The most famous sport on the planet is football. It is also the most common among spectators in the world, with millions of fans tuning in.

football players

Origin Of The Word Football

The word “football” is a combination of two English words that mean “feet” and “ball.”

Fundamentals Of Football

Goal Of Football

The goal of time-limited play (referred to as the match) is to introduce the ball into the opposition goal as many times as possible. This is referred to as scoring a goal. The team that scores the more goals during the match is the winner.

Basic Rules

On the field, each team has ten players, including a goalkeeper. The most significant rule is that players cannot touch the ball with their hands or arms, with the exception of the goalkeeper in his zone (except for the touches).

Only the goalkeeper has the power to use his hands, and only to prevent goals in the penalty area.

A game lasts 90 minutes, which is divided into two 45-minute halves.

Team Composition In Soccer

A field team consists of the following individuals:

  • Forward
  • Midfielders,
  • Defenders.
  • From the goalkeeper’s 

The following are the specific skills that the player must master:

  • Run.
  • Jump.
  • Dribble (with the feet).
  • Headbutt.
  • Kicking.
  • Firm and rigid shot of the foot
  • Tactical position of players


The goalkeeper, also known as “goal,” has the primary goal of preventing the ball from entering its goal, also known as “cage,” during the game, which is known as scoring a goal.

Only the goalkeeper can touch the ball with his hands during play, and only inside his own territory, the penalty area. On the field, each team must have just one goalkeeper on the roster.

goalkeeper trying to catch the ball

If a goalkeeper is forced to leave the field for some reason, he must be substituted by a different player, holder, or replacement.


The defender, also known as the libero, is the player one line behind the midfielders and one line in front of the goalkeeper. The main aim of the defender is to avoid the opposing team’s attacks. This line of players is generally formed in an arched formation, with some defenders being closer to the goalkeeper than others.

If there is only one player in the back row, that player is known as the libero. If there are two or more, however, they are given the title of defenders. Full-backs are defenders that line up on the sides of the field and are known as such because of their position (usually closer to midfielders).


The midfielder, also known as the “middle” or “midfielder,” is the player who plays in the center of the field. He is behind the attackers and in front of the defenders. Midfielders’ role is to manage play between the front and back lines.

It has to assist in the defensive effort as well. Players on the middle line, like those on the defensive line, are assigned names depending on where they play: middle center-left, or right. The centerline can appear diamond or diamond-shaped due to the midfield positions, depending on the technical director’s strategy.


The intruder, also known as the forward, pointer, gunner, machine gunner, or even ram. The attacker is a player who is closer to the front of the field than his teammates.

In front of the midfielders, he forms a line. His primary aim is to score goals. Its primary purpose is to strike, with the exception of defense. These players are often assigned names depending on their position on the field: center-left, or right


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