Volleyball is one of the most popular sports in the world, and it is performed in many nations. You can develop not only a healthy body with the aid of this dynamic and thrilling game, but also reasoning, reaction, and the ability to think through actions many steps ahead with the aid of this dynamic and interesting game.
Volleyball Strategy
Volleyball is played on a court that must be at least 18×9 meters in size. Even the height of the net through which the ball is thrown matters in professional sports: for men, it is 2.43 meters, and for women, it is 2.24 meters.
The game has no time restriction; teams compete until one of them scores 25 points.
Volleyballs must match the International Volleyball Federation’s specifications, which include being made of natural or artificial leather, having a circumference of 65-67 cm, a weight of 260-280 g, and an interior pressure of 0.30-0.325 kg / cm2.
What You Should Know About Volleyball If You’re A Beginner
Most of us learned how to play volleyball in physical education classes in school, but an adult must learn how to play volleyball from the ground up.
The following are the norms and restrictions that every debutant should be aware of:
- Each team has a maximum of 14 members, but only six are directly active in the game.
- Setter, outside striker, a striker on the left, a striker in front, a striker on the right, and libero are the positions in volleyball.
- The team’s goal is to toss the ball over the net and into the opponent’s zone, where it will contact the ground. The team that launched the attack is awarded one point as soon as this occurs.
- Drawing lots determines who gets to be the initial attacker.
- The player is unable to catch the ball and retain it in his hands; the ball can only move via bouncing. It is not deemed a violation if the ball contacts another part of the body (foot, head, etc.).
- Unless he blocks, a player cannot touch the ball twice in a row.
- Beginner athletes can utilize a lower reception, whereas experts primarily use an upper one.
- A novice volleyball match consists of three games, with the winning team winning two of the three games.
- When the team scores a point, each player must be in his assigned place. Clockwise movement occurs after the team scores a point.
- You must not cross the field’s bounds during the game. The opposing team is awarded one point if one of the athletes steps over the centerline or goes out of bounds.
- It is forbidden to touch the net’s top.
- The ball must not be delayed for more than three hits within the same team.
- The ball is served from a unique location on the pitch no later than 8 seconds after the referee blows his whistle. If the ball is served before the whistle, the player is entitled to one more try.
- Breaks are taken throughout games to allow players to recuperate and be replaced. Each team has two timeouts and six replacements available.
- Following the completion of the game, all participants are given a 3-minute rest. During this moment, players switch locations and decide who will be in charge of which places this time.
- Because the ball is in the air practically all of the time and competitors must be ready to hit it at all times, the competition is tense throughout.
- When playing volleyball, one of the most important laws is to respect your teammates and opponents. A player’s aggressive or antagonistic attitude may result in punishment or even disqualification.